Martes, Agosto 30, 2011

Professional Liability Insurance: An Important Safety Net

Professional liability insurance, or professional indemnity, provides coverage to a person should he or she be sued due to his or her professional duties.  Sometimes this liability insurance is called by various names.  For example, doctors have malpractice insurance, while people in other professions may carry what is called an umbrella policy.  These types of policies often cover a variety of expenses related to liability cases, including legal fees, attorneys, court costs, and settlements.

In the USA, many courts have awarded claimants gigantic settlements due to malpractice, negligence, unfulfilled contracts, and myriad other situations, making liability insurance absolutely necessary in some professions.  In fact, it could be argued that almost anyone who deals with the public could use some kind of coverage.  At the very least, almost any professional who could be held responsible for errors, omissions, or liability of any sort could benefit from carrying his or her own policy.

Professional liability insurance covers the insured for things that might not be covered in a general liability insurance policy.  General plans usually cover personal injury or property damage, but corporations and professionals often face claims that need a much more specific coverage.  For example, a care provider could be found negligent, a therapist could be sued for giving bad advice, or a contractor could be sued for breach of contract.

Typically, these types of policies are offered for a term, which means coverage only exists as long as the insured keeps his or her policy in effect.  Whatever the case may be, it is often far more cost effective to pay for insurance rather than end up paying huge sums of money in court costs, attorney’s fees, and settlements.

Freelancers and independent contractors now make a large part of the market share of new policyholders.  Independent workers often do not have the protection of a company, organization, or guild, and therefore might be more vulnerable to liability and the costs therein.  A sole proprietor has more of a chance of making – and being accountable for – the occasional mistake, so having a professional liability policy might be an extremely important safety net.

These kinds of policies cover a wide variety of losses, and so have just as wide a variety of options.  Plans can be extremely inexpensive and simple, or can be exhaustive and costly.  Whatever you choose, today’s society makes having some kind of liability coverage an almost mandatory business expense.

Legal Liability Insurance

There are many threats to a successful business because people are always looking for some loophole to file a lawsuit and pull the company in to the court. Hence, it becomes very important for any business owners to protect their company from such potential threats that may arise anytime and could cause a huge loss to the business. By taking a legal liability insurance policy for your business you can protect it from financial losses in such cases.

There are a lot of things that need attention on daily basis and sometimes it happens that your employees do not perform their jobs well. Such errors and mistakes in the employee’s work may lead to further disputes between the owner and the employee, which is not good for the growth of company.  Legal liability insurance acts as a protective cover under such circumstances and saves the owner of the business from financial losses.

There are various reasons for someone to find a legal liability lawsuit against a business. These include personal injury to a customer or employee or sometimes their death for which some employee of the company is responsible. Property damages of the employees are also included under this type of liability. Once this insurance cover is taken by the business then the insurance policy covers majority of the aspects of the business and the workforce related with it.

However, there are different variants of a liability insurance policy. Depending on the needs and working area of the company, the suitable type of liability insurance can be chosen like a cargo legal liability insurance, garage liability, bodily injury insurance, umbrella insurance or general liability insurance. Moreover, the type of this insurance policy that suits the company the best should be the one that covers the risks involved in the business of the company. If any lawsuit is filed against the company, this insurance policy will be responsible for the payment of the claims to settle the lawsuit, and also the charges to be paid to the attorney hired by the company for representing it in the court.

It is very important for every business however large or small it may be, to have a liability insurance policy to deal with such uncertain situations. It would be best to take the advice of a licensed insurance agent to understand the insurance policies that may suit your company the best. It is also important to keep revising the insurance policies periodically because the needs of your business would keep on changing with the market and the economy. While looking for a suitable insurance policy for your business, you should consider quotes from different insurance companies to compare their charges and premium rates. This would help you to close out the best possible deal in your favor.

Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

The importance of lawyers professional liability insurance is often overlooked by the new attorneys. Most of the attorneys do not take this type of insurance even if the state makes it mandatory to carry this insurance. Most of the attorneys only buy the basic policies without bothering about the coverage of the policies. This type of ignorance may cost the attorney huge money leading in to failure of his carrier most of the time. Whether the attorney is a criminal lawyer or “systematic” attorney, he is subject to the risk of being sued. About 6 percent of the total attorneys have faced liability suits. The attorneys carrying proper insurance are not required to pay a single penny in settlement. The insurance company takes care of everything, after paying the deductibles. Without best coverage, many attorneys have to adopt other ways to handle their judgment. Many lawyers have to shut down their practices in worst situations. All this can be easily avoided by educating yourself about what type of insurance to buy.

Two basic forms of lawyers professional liability insurance are available. “Claims made and reported” is the most popular form of this insurance. Under this insurance, the lawyers get compensation on claims when they arise. Although many insurance companies have a prior acts clause but the actual date of liability is not important. There is a cut-off date for all past acts, whether they are omissions or errors on behalf of the attorney through this clause. Nothing can be filed before that date with this kind of insurance. But the process is quite different for the occurrence-based coverage – the second form of lawyers professional liability insurance. When an incident occurs, claims are filed.

Both the above mentioned forms of lawyers professional liability insurance carry the same options. The compensation ranges between 100000 dollars to 10000000 dollars, with more costly policies having high deductibles and premiums. If the deductibles are quite higher, there is the option of getting first dollar defense. In case of settlement, the lawyers do not have to make payment with the first dollar defense. This makes you responsible for deductibles even if you win the case without any indemnity. Though the first dollars defense has high premiums but it is still considered to be more risky for the insurance providers. The same holds true if you filed claims before and/or you practice an area of law that are prone to lawsuits. But there is a way to lower your expenses. If the insurance company provides risk management classes you may qualify for the discount if you have attended each session. The amount of discount exceeds 5 percent of the premium in some cases which cannot be ignored. The lawyers can save about 100 dollars just by attending these classes on very costly insurance policy. During the risk management session, the lawyers learn how to minimize the risks to avoid occurrences of the lawsuits.

Legal Malpractice Insurance Cost

Having malpractice insurance makes certain that you are covered for whatever happens in your profession, and for your personal protection, although not all states require it. Practicing law is a business that carries a high risk, and just one disgruntled client can disrupt your business and your life even if you have not done anything wrong. Statistics predict that each and every attorney will have to defend one malpractice suit, at least, during her or his career. It will cost your time and high legal fees to establish your innocence regardless of whether you are validated. For that reason, it just makes good sense to fully protect yourself in every way both for your career and your personal life.

Even though certain specialities in law such as financial securities and real estate carry a high liability risk, the field in which you practice is not really relevant in whether or not you will ever face a lawsuit. Since lawsuits against attorneys are increasing, it has become more prudent in recent years to carry larger amounts of insurance regardless of the legal malpractice insurance cost. Even if the person's claim is found to be without merit, you may need a minimum of $300,000 for your legal fees in your defense. If you should lose the case, the costs could very well be significantly higher than that amount.

In order to keep your overall costs low and get the maximum protection for your personal efforts in taking out legal malpractice insurance, there are precautions you can use. Every document in your professional files in your office must be treated as though they will be scrutinized one day in a court of law. In every state, under Rules of Discovery, complete access is permitted to each and every  document in your files. You can make giant strides toward protecting yourself if you behave at all times as if you know a legal malpractice attorney is looking over your shoulder. Everything should be kept, including printing out and keeping emails in your client's files. Keep in mind that, just as in Miranda, anything can be used against you that you say, at some future time, and keep careful documentation of your work for every moment on each case. Even your personal notes about your clients should be professionally and carefully chosen and worded. Preventative actions such as this can lower your legal malpractice insurance cost, by doing as your insurance carrier advises.

Be careful with your dates and calendar, since statistics show that 20 percent of all malpractice lawsuits involved missed deadlines. Every meeting, every event and every deadline should be recorded in writing whether you put it in your palm pilot, your DayTimer, or write it on your napkin at lunch. Do not throw any notes away, thinking you will never need them again. Do your best to be courteous, friendly and conscientious in order to keep your clientele happy, because unhappy clients are often the beginning of a malpractice compaint. Be professional enough to answer correspondence and emails, and promptly return phone calls. A client who feels ignored is more likely to file a lawsuit in order to "get your attention."

If you do not feel right about taking a potential client, and your intuition is telling you to be cautious, it would be better not to accept them as a client. Sometimes our best friend is the feeling we have that is trying to warn us away. You do not have to accept every client who asks for your help. Talk with a malpractice attorney and get his or her recommendations on what kind of strategies to use in order to guard your professional legal practice. Your insurance agency should have suggestions on ways that you can lower your legal malpractice insurance cost for your business. Certain checks and balances to protect yourself are simple to implement and can save a lot of trouble in the future. If you are wise about protecting your law practice you will have a lucrative and long running career.

Huwebes, Agosto 25, 2011

The Importance Of Professional Liability Insurance

While the medical profession may be widely associated with having occupation-related insurance, there are a number of professions whereby carrying professional liability insurance would be particularly beneficial. Malpractice insurance, as it is commonly known when referring to doctors and other medical professionals, is but one term for this sort of coverage. Attorneys often carry these sorts of plans, and insurance coverage of this nature would be appropriate for a notary public as well. Moreover, many professionals beyond the aforementioned realms are considering professional liability insurance with increasing frequency.

Beyond the medical and legal professions, it is no longer uncommon for those who interact with the public in a broad range of capacities to carry professional insurance coverage. Appraisers and real estate brokers, for example, frequently seek this sort of coverage. This potentially career-saving coverage is often used by engineers and various professionals involved with the development of technology as well. For virtually any professional that may run the risk of having their products or services open to interpretation by customers or clients, having professional liability insurance may be a prudent choice.

Considering the continuing trend towards relatively large court settlements resulting from perceived negligence, it is not surprising that so many professionals have sought to protect themselves from uncontrollable or unfortunate occupation-related outcomes.  While it is understandable that receiving compensation for negligent behaviors or improper services may be warranted, there are oftentimes products or circumstances which may be beyond the control of even a competent professional. Protecting oneself from such uncontrollable variables, therefore, may be a wise career move.

General liability coverage may be adequate for situations involving advertising or property damage and for personal injury cases as well. Professional liability insurance, however, covers a multitude of legal claims that fall outside of the aforementioned categories. For many professionals and businesses, this specialized type of coverage may protect against more subjective claims, and incidents more open to interpretation.

Another continuing trend, whether due to the current economic climate or due to personal preference, is the prevalence of working in a freelance capacity. While this may allow for more personal flexibility on a number of levels, forgoing the traditional connection to a single employer may further open up a professional to potential liabilities. Indemnity coverage, therefore, may be particularly advisable if you are a freelancer.

Professional liability insurance may serve as an indispensible safeguard for a variety of professionals. Even for occupations that would not ordinarily be considered particularly risky in terms of their related products or services, the current climate may prove otherwise. While the thought of paying insurance premiums may seem discouraging, the potential long-range protection and peace of mind may make seeking out an affordable form of coverage an extremely prudent endeavor.

The Importance Of Professional Liability Insurance

While the medical profession may be widely associated with having occupation-related insurance, there are a number of professions whereby carrying professional liability insurance would be particularly beneficial. Malpractice insurance, as it is commonly known when referring to doctors and other medical professionals, is but one term for this sort of coverage. Attorneys often carry these sorts of plans, and insurance coverage of this nature would be appropriate for a notary public as well. Moreover, many professionals beyond the aforementioned realms are considering professional liability insurance with increasing frequency.

Beyond the medical and legal professions, it is no longer uncommon for those who interact with the public in a broad range of capacities to carry professional insurance coverage. Appraisers and real estate brokers, for example, frequently seek this sort of coverage. This potentially career-saving coverage is often used by engineers and various professionals involved with the development of technology as well. For virtually any professional that may run the risk of having their products or services open to interpretation by customers or clients, having professional liability insurance may be a prudent choice.

Considering the continuing trend towards relatively large court settlements resulting from perceived negligence, it is not surprising that so many professionals have sought to protect themselves from uncontrollable or unfortunate occupation-related outcomes.  While it is understandable that receiving compensation for negligent behaviors or improper services may be warranted, there are oftentimes products or circumstances which may be beyond the control of even a competent professional. Protecting oneself from such uncontrollable variables, therefore, may be a wise career move.

General liability coverage may be adequate for situations involving advertising or property damage and for personal injury cases as well. Professional liability insurance, however, covers a multitude of legal claims that fall outside of the aforementioned categories. For many professionals and businesses, this specialized type of coverage may protect against more subjective claims, and incidents more open to interpretation.

Another continuing trend, whether due to the current economic climate or due to personal preference, is the prevalence of working in a freelance capacity. While this may allow for more personal flexibility on a number of levels, forgoing the traditional connection to a single employer may further open up a professional to potential liabilities. Indemnity coverage, therefore, may be particularly advisable if you are a freelancer.

Professional liability insurance may serve as an indispensible safeguard for a variety of professionals. Even for occupations that would not ordinarily be considered particularly risky in terms of their related products or services, the current climate may prove otherwise. While the thought of paying insurance premiums may seem discouraging, the potential long-range protection and peace of mind may make seeking out an affordable form of coverage an extremely prudent endeavor.

Legal Liability Insurance: A Business Requirement

Owning a business that sells products and services requires so much more responsibility on your part as a business owner. One of the most important things you need to have in order to protect your customers and your business is a legal liability insurance. This insurance coverage will ensure that your company or your clients will be covered in case of an injury that may occur as a result of using your product or service. With a legal liability insurance, you will be able to protect the assets of your company should legal claims be filed. Business owners with sole proprietorship of a business will also need this insurance to keep personal assets safe. Many of the leading insurance companies offer premium policies that come with different types of benefits. Which legal liability insurance benefits you get will depend largely on what product or service you sell and which type of benefits you prefer.

What kind of legal liability insurance can you get?

The great thing about the insurance products offered by insurance companies is that they can be customized to meet the needs of your business. The kind of business you run, its location and activities can also determine which policy you need to buy. Basic liability insurance plus certain kinds of coverage might be a requirement in your locality. Some basic coverage that may be mandatory for your business includes: general liability, bodily injury, legal malpractice, medical malpractice and workers compensation. To ensure that you have sufficient coverage, find out about local laws and regulations that apply to your business, particularly those that are required even before your business opens. Depending on the product or service you offer, you may need to purchase additional coverage. Vehicle liability, for example, is a requirement for drivers who can legally drive. Every driver in the U.S. is required to carry an updated vehicular liability insurance -- otherwise, they will not be allowed to operate a vehicle.

Legal liability insurance is a very important expense for helping you run a safe and profitable business. A company that is engaged in delivery service, for example, must purchase insurance for its drivers and vehicles. A company producing products or services that may pose a high risk of bodily injury should also purchase legal liability insurance that will offer coverage in case of damages that may result from an injury to a client or customer who visits your place of business. If you have sufficient liability insurance coverage, you can be sure that you can protect your assets in case of legal action against you. Should you be required by law to pay for damages and other expenses, your liability insurance will take care of the fees and charges.

How much premium for a legal liability insurance you will have to pay will depend on certain factors, including your company's services, products, activities, location and risk. Look for sufficient coverage and a range of benefits that will suit your needs. Compare rates from several different companies to find out which one offers the best deal.

What Professional Liability Insurance Is Right For You?

All professionals who provide a service or product that involves a loss risk should obtain professional liability insurance.  This type of insurance, which is also referred to errors omissions insurance is designed to protect professionals or companies in the event that an error or omission causes loss of lives or property resulting in financial harm to the professional. Those who fall into this category include, but are not limited to, physicians, lawyers, real estate brokers, home inspectors, architects and management consultants.  Any profession at risk for a client to file a lawsuit resulting in financial loss is at risk and should obtain professional liability insurance.

The most commonly known professional liability insurance is medical or malpractice insurance for physicians and hospitals.  Other professionals who can be sued by their clients should be able to be sufficiently covered by general liability or errors omission’s insurance.  This insurance coverage should protect the professional from financial loss due to failure to perform, and/or errors or omission of the products or services sold.

General liability insurance which covers bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and/or damages from false advertising or slander,  is not always sufficient coverage for many professionals.  General liability insurance usually has low coverage limits that do not include punitive damages. If the professional is successfully sued in excess of their coverage limit then they are responsible for the difference in what the insurance pays and the amount awarded by the courts.

The financial cost discourages many professionals from getting professional liability insurance.  Here are three methods one can do to keep the cost down:

1)  Practice good quality control.  Professionals and companies that don’t have a history of  lawsuits filed against them, pay a lower premium for professional liability insurance.

2)   Lower your maximum coverage limit.  The higher your coverage, the higher your premiums with be.  The insured needs to consider perceived risk, the maximum amount that they could be sued for and not be put out of business, and find appropriate coverage for such.

3)   Check financial statements. Research insurance companies and evaluate their financial ratings.  Make sure you select an insurance company that is in good shape with a good reputation. It is not unheard of for an insurance company to not be able to meet their financial obligations when a claim is filed.  This is information that can be obtained on line with sufficient research.

There are so many different policies and with different premiums and limitations it is easy to get confused. There is a difference in the types of professional liability insurances.   An experienced independent insurance broker can help you make sense of all the information. Remember insurance agents that work for the insurance company may be helpful but their job is to keep your business with their insurance company so their information may be biased.  So unless you have high confidence in your insurance agent it may be advantageous to consult an independent broker to learn what type and how much insurance is necessary for your profession.

Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2011

Legal Malpractice Insurance

It is possible to sue a lawyer and no lawyer is immune to an unhappy client that did not feel they received what they paid for. A simple lawsuit can be filed easily by paying the filing fees. It is easy for a person to represent himself or herself without hiring a new attorney. Any attorney that practices law without legal malpractice insurance is at a severe risk for this scenario happening to them. This coverage easily covers the cost of a legal defense and any judgment that is awarded in a lawsuit for liability.

The high cost of legal defense for lawsuits takes both time and money. Most insurance companies that offer legal malpractice insurance have a team of attorneys that can help answer question in an expert manner about the coverage types and information about coverage. These attorneys will represent the holder of the legal malpractice insurance and are experts in representing these claims for liability.

A civil lawsuit usually involves a filed complaint with a state licensing board for review. Having legal malpractice insurance can easily represent the case on behalf of a litigated attorney and prove more successful due to expert research.

The addition of legal malpractice insurance can provide data statistics to help their attorney clients in developing a safety defense against further litigation brought on by frivolous lawsuits.

Many people think that attorneys can help them achieve a big settlement and when the outcome is unsuccessful, clients may try to sue for malpractice. Protection against these claims is much easier with legal malpractice insurance to protect attorneys against these clients and easily save both time and money against liability lawsuits.

Legal Liability Insurance

Obtaining legal liability insurance is a must if you operate a business or provide services to the general public. If you are faced with customers or clients that are injured by a product or are not pleased with the services offered, they can come after you with a lawsuit. The legal liability insurance will allow you to have protection for your assets of your company. If you are the sole proprietor of your company, you will want to have this form of insurance to keep your assets well protected. Many large companies have a premium insurance policy that offers them a number of benefits to keep their company safe in the case of an lawsuit. The type of goods you sell and the services offered determines the type of benefits and insurance you are going to need or choose to have.

A variety of liability insurance types are available to you to choose from. It doesnt matter what type of business you own or operate, your insurance policy is going to offer you legal liability that can be made special to fit your needs or wants. The location and activities that your business has, is going to play a essential part of the specific type of policy you will want to choose from. Depending on the location of your business, some areas are mandated to carry this type of insurance. This includes liability insurance, malpractice insurance, workers compensation insurance, bodily injury insurance, as well as any form of medical malpractice insurance. You will need to be sure that you understand completely the regulations set forth from your local government. Vehicle liability insurance is a must have for any vehicle on the road and is one of the more popular styles of insurance on the market. You will need to have legal liability insurance that is up to date on your vehicle when driving in the United States.

When running a business, legal liability insurance is absolutely necessary. If you own a company that is making deliveries, you will be required to carry insurance for your drivers vehicles. If the driver is high risk, your goods being delivered will be covered in the case that something becomes damaged. If you have a customer or client that visits your business, you will need to have enough liability in place to cover expenses if an injury takes place while visiting your business. If you end up with an unhappy customer while running your business, you may find that you could have a lawsuit filed against you. The legal liability insurance is going to pay out for the expenses incurred during the lawsuit as well as any expenses for court costs, legal fees and court costs.

The cost of the liability insurance for the company you own or operate will depend on the product, service or location of the company as well as any activities and risks involved with your company. Before you decide on the company you receive the quote from, you will want to see several quotes and companies to compare the numerous policies and benefits offered from each of the companies before selecting the best rate possible. Make sure that you have an affordable policy in place with all the benefits needed in order to keep your business protected from a lawsuit that could take place in the future.

Legal Liability Insurance

Obtaining legal liability insurance is a must if you operate a business or provide services to the general public. If you are faced with customers or clients that are injured by a product or are not pleased with the services offered, they can come after you with a lawsuit. The legal liability insurance will allow you to have protection for your assets of your company. If you are the sole proprietor of your company, you will want to have this form of insurance to keep your assets well protected. Many large companies have a premium insurance policy that offers them a number of benefits to keep their company safe in the case of an lawsuit. The type of goods you sell and the services offered determines the type of benefits and insurance you are going to need or choose to have.

A variety of liability insurance types are available to you to choose from. It doesnt matter what type of business you own or operate, your insurance policy is going to offer you legal liability that can be made special to fit your needs or wants. The location and activities that your business has, is going to play a essential part of the specific type of policy you will want to choose from. Depending on the location of your business, some areas are mandated to carry this type of insurance. This includes liability insurance, malpractice insurance, workers compensation insurance, bodily injury insurance, as well as any form of medical malpractice insurance. You will need to be sure that you understand completely the regulations set forth from your local government. Vehicle liability insurance is a must have for any vehicle on the road and is one of the more popular styles of insurance on the market. You will need to have legal liability insurance that is up to date on your vehicle when driving in the United States.

When running a business, legal liability insurance is absolutely necessary. If you own a company that is making deliveries, you will be required to carry insurance for your drivers vehicles. If the driver is high risk, your goods being delivered will be covered in the case that something becomes damaged. If you have a customer or client that visits your business, you will need to have enough liability in place to cover expenses if an injury takes place while visiting your business. If you end up with an unhappy customer while running your business, you may find that you could have a lawsuit filed against you. The legal liability insurance is going to pay out for the expenses incurred during the lawsuit as well as any expenses for court costs, legal fees and court costs.

The cost of the liability insurance for the company you own or operate will depend on the product, service or location of the company as well as any activities and risks involved with your company. Before you decide on the company you receive the quote from, you will want to see several quotes and companies to compare the numerous policies and benefits offered from each of the companies before selecting the best rate possible. Make sure that you have an affordable policy in place with all the benefits needed in order to keep your business protected from a lawsuit that could take place in the future.

Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

One of the most misrepresented lawyers in America is a liability attorney. What most people do not know is that liability attorneys protect an individual from vicious corporations that are solely motivated to extract money and profit. Insurance policies are very helpful especially in instances when a particular business dig out money from its clients. If you are a lawyer, you are also entitled to get a< professional>coverage. This insurance policy will serve as your protection in case you are being sued.Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

The most common problem in the medical community today is medical malpractice. In fact, the number of cases related to this problem has been steadily on the rise. On the other hand, lawyers in United States also face the same kind of issue especially now that there is an estimated six percent among the lawyers in the country who are being sued because of professional misconduct. But for those lawyers who also handle these cases, they are also more likely to face the same problem due to the nature of their line of work. That is why lawyers < professional>is the most reliable protection for all lawyers. With this insurance coverage, you as a professional lawyer would be able to perform your responsibilities with much less worries if you will be involved in cases related to malpractice. The policies for this kind of insurance are not yet widely known. However, the said policies are said to be properly customized in order to meed the individual needs of attorneys.

Aside from lawyers, liability insurance also extends its coverage to other individuals as well. Even the employees of a private firm or business are also qualified to avail of this type of insurance. Ideally, the company where an employee is working should be covered first. The company will need to pay for the entire coverage. The insurer is required to pay for all the incidents that are covered under the policies including the hours spent on the case. The conditions set forth by the insurance company can be modified . It all depends on the company and the individual who wants to avail of a < professional>.

If there is an on-going case, the insurer is given the responsibility to provide legal support. At the same time, the expenses in the initial part of the hearing will be handled by the insurer. However, there are instances when certain acts are not covered by the insurance coverage. These include criminal and fraudulent acts committed by a professional or company. The cases covered by < professional>coverage are only limited to malpractice and other cases which result from punitive damages. In addition, all incident related to or connected with a particular company or client is also not covered. For this reason, it is always important to practice ethical behavior especially if you are working as a lawyer or a medical practitioner.Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011

Factors In Calculating The Cost Of Legal Malpractice Insurance

Practicing attorneys are sued statistically at least once during their careers; this is why attorneys need to carry legal malpractice insurance. The cost of malpractice insurance is impacted by the location of the practice, the size of the firm, your specialty and background and the current political climate. Also referred to as professional liability insurance, you will be glad you invested in legal malpractice insurance.

Practices specializing in areas considered high risk, such as securities, real estate and banking typically carry higher premiums. It may make sense to have a high deductible to lower the cost of the premium. Consider what your budget will allow and take into consideration the premium expense when calculating client fees.

Where you practice is relevant to the calculation of insurance premiums. This is taken into account to determine your “risk factor.” If you work in a large firm, you may get a discount based on the firm’s record or adversely be charged more. If you practice in a small town, you may be grouped with big city attorneys nearby. These are issues you will want to explore when choosing a reliable legal malpractice insurance carrier.

Discounts are typically offered for preventive measures in place such as a system for docket control. Discuss these with your agent to ensure you are offered any possible discount on your premium. You can ask your agent for the criteria of the underwriter and comply as much as possible to keep costs lower. Whether or not a claim against you results in a lawsuit, the underwriter will look at claims filed against you or the firm.

If you are rejected, cancelled or not renewed by an insurance company, this is marked against you; therefore, research beforehand so you have a better chance of being accepted with your initial application.  Bar proceedings and suing clients for fees are other red flags to underwriters. Being thorough in choosing an insurance company to represent you with a legal malpractice insurance policy will ensure the investment is worth it.

Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011

Legal Liability Insurance

          It is necessary for most of the professional companies to get legal liability insurance. Many customers file lawsuits or tiny mishaps to get quick money from the company. Even the coffee shops need this kind of coverage and hence it is very important for the professional firms to carry this type of coverage. A small and simple mistake made by the firm may cost huge financial loss to the firm and therefore it is necessary to have this kind of insurance.

     Even the employee may sue the firm, so it is important to get this insurance. Some of the liability coverage in this type of insurance includes cargo, bodily injury, general, umbrella, or garage. The variety of coverage varies with different insurance companies.

     But the most popular kind of insurance is the general liability that covers property damage, personal injury, and also false advertising lawsuits. Thus it covers the major things which a business need. Since the monthly premiums are high, many companies try to avoid this type of insurance. But few simple steps will help you to get good coverage and save a lot of money in this kind of insurance. The following two steps will help you reduce your premium.

     #1) Get a lower coverage limit

     This type of low coverage implies that you are not covered much in case of the claims. The insurance company will cover you up to the max coverage point and you will be solely responsible for the rest. The premiums are lower for the low max coverage and vise versa.

     Your business definitely needs adequate coverage but the insurance company will ask you to get more coverage which you may not need. Hence it is important for you to determine what will be the maximum amount you may be required to pay in case if any client sues you in the court of law. You can also enquire about this with other people in the same line of business to know how much maximum amount they had paid for any lawsuit by any client. This will help you to know the maximum risks to which your business is exposed to and take the insurance accordingly.

     #2) Quality control

     The company that has not been sued in the court of law for any lawsuits by the client is supposed to have the best track record. The company charges low premium to the company against whom there have been no lawsuits and the premiums amount is higher for the company that have endured more lawsuits by the clients. Even if the decisions of the lawsuits are in your favor still the premium amount will be higher because of the filing of the lawsuits by the clients. This is due to the fact that the insurance company will have to bear all the legal expenses for the lawsuits against your business.

     Thus it becomes quite clear that legal liability insurance is of utmost importance for many business professionals to some extent. First determine the amount of risks your business may be sued for the lawsuits and search the policy that meets the requirements. After this, go for the available quotes of different insurance companies and choose the best one for your business.

Legal Malpractice Insurance

Liability insurance, known also as legal malpractice insurance is available for an attorney and lawyer who need to be protected in the case of an malpractice lawsuit. In the case of negligence, wrongful act, a client can sue for damages incurred by the lawyer or attorney. The malpractice insurance is going to protect the lawyer with monetary insurance however, it will not protect them in the case where the lawyer is damaged by their reputation being smashed. In a quarter of all cases, personal injury occurs and if you are an attorney, you need to be sure that your comprehensive insurance policies are up to date along with property and general insurance.

There are an variety of scenarios that can be used with legal malpractice in a case. In many cases, the attorney is gone after when a lawyer fails to provide the client with adequate representation and a case is then thrown out of the courts hands. When an attorney fails to meet the time line provided, is unable to secure a witness, and can not provide adequate evidence to prove the clients innocence, the attorney can be named in a lawsuit. When you select a out of court settlement, the client can still be harmed as an civil lawsuit is then able to be pursued.

In the legal malpractice cases, the burden lies on the victim to provide documentation on the financial aspect of the lawsuit. The client is going to have to show proof of the client and lawyer relationship with the damages that were incurred from the lawyers behavior. When each of these items is proven in court, the judge can issue an judgment against an attorney or lawyer. This can damage your personal assets as well as your business aspects.

When you have lawyers and attorneys practicing any form of law, you are not going to be required to hold onto legal malpractice insurance instead you will want to do so to make sure that you are protected financially in the case of an lawsuit. In the case that a lawsuit is files, your insurance company will go through all the proper channels to offer a settlement since most cases, the judge will issue one regardless. If you are faced with going to court, a attorney will be selected to represent you if you are faced with going to trial. This will help to pay the expenses incurred with being sued by paying the money owed to the victim.

If you find yourself as a legal professional, you will want to make sure that you know what type of legal insurance you will want to have in place. Most studies now show that most cases, 60 percent of them are lawyers who have malpractice insurance which makes you less likely to be vulnerable to any damages stemmed from a lawsuit or claim against your practice.

Legal Malpractice Insurance

Why is legal malpractice insurance important? Due to the fact that a majority of Americans are learning about legal malpractice,an increasing number of law professionals are dealing with lawsuits from clients more than in the past. If you examine what the current statistics say about these law suits, you will discover that four out of find or roughly one hundred attorneys deal with malpractice claims every year. For certain, this could be very damaging for legal firms which hire more than twenty attorneys because it means they will face at the least one malpractice claim against them each year. More law professionals are carrying legal malpractice insurance to correpsond with this increase to deal with any sort of grievance they may go through in this situation.

An attorney needs to ask themselves first of all if legal malpractice insurance can be like other types of insurance. In a way, legal malpractice insurance is like other kinds of policies. The primary difference between malpractice  insurance and standard policies is standard polices protect against unforeseen circumstances like illness or injury. Legal malpractice insurance protects an attorney who faces a claim over a certain policy time period. This gives the insurance provider an option of dismissing the case history of their client unless it fall into the duration of the policy.

The second significant matter an attorney needs to ask is what type of benefits the policy offers.. It is very essential because a legal malpractice claim isn't a piece of cake. As a matter of fact, an attorney not only loses income but precious time from their job as well. The average amount that can be charged is between 200-300 hours and the attorney is covered under the policy of each lawsuit that is filed against them.

Another concern for an attorney to take into consideration about legal malpractice insurance is cost. As a rule, insurance premiums are influenced according to the grade of risk that is associated with the attorney's career. If the lawyer is involved in handling banking or real estate, their premiums may likely be somewhat higher as opposed to a standard policy premium. In spite of the higher rates, this kind of insurance is popular since it takes care of a few very significant components of law operations.

It is because of the reasons listed above,and perhaps many more, that an attorney would take into consideration getting legal malpractice insurance. For certain, this type of insurance may call for a specified amount of money to start coverage but the rewards of at long last being protected and the benefit of financial help, will for certain more than make up for the overall cost of the policy.

Lawyer Malpractice Insurance Policies

Lawyer malpractice insurance is necessary for all lawyers. Any lawyer may be sued for legal malpractice, which is when the lawyer doesn’t provide adequate advice or doesn’t perform as well as expected in the courtroom. You must buy lawyer malpractice insurance as well as liability insurance whenever you start working at a law firm to protect both them and yourself from the financial burden of lawsuits. You should ensure that the company you are purchasing insurance from is the best one for you as your insurance will not only protect you from getting sued, but will also give you advice.

A claimant must provide prove of multiple things in order to win in a legal battle or lawsuit. There must be an established relationship between the lawyer and plaintiff, must be clear disregard and inattention in representing the client, that the damage caused to the client was an immediate result of the lawyer’s carelessness, and there must be proof of damage and its severity to the client in order for the client to win the lawsuit. Each state has different laws for characterizing and recognizing malpractice, so some variations in the requirements may occur.

It is in your best interest to shop around with different insurance agencies, and get different quotes to find the best policy for you. The insurance agency looks at many different factors in determining the premium for a policy. They consider what field the law firm practices in, what rules and regulations the law firm runs by, how much experience and training the lawyers at the firm received, and the history of claims reported by the firm, as well as their previous insurance history.

Lawyer malpractice insurance agencies are licensed by designated authorities in the state coverage is provided.  For your own safety, you may want to contact your state’s agency for regulating insurance prior to purchasing a policy to authenticate the company you will be purchasing from. This will indicate their reputation and how well they comply with regulations. Depending on the policy you intend to buy, you may need a broker to get the policy. Your main goal is to find a policy that will provide you with the coverage you need, while still being affordable.

While there may be some restrictions on it, you can also buy malpractice insurance for part time lawyers. Make certain in this case that you understand the restrictions so you aren’t put in a bad position later on. To repeat, your biggest goal is to get a policy that is right for you.  Your career is precious and you do not want to lose it simply for skipping out on quality coverage. Lawyer malpractice insurance is the most important thing for any lawyer to keep your financial assets and career secure.

Miyerkules, Agosto 17, 2011

The Necessity Of Attorney Professional Liability Insurance

According to statistics, every year in the United States, approximately 6% of the attorney’s will find themselves facing a situation of professional liability. In fact, in the past 20 years, liability claims for attorneys have increased consistently. This means that having attorney professional liability insurance has become an absolute necessity.

A claim involving professional liability can become very expensive, as well as time-consuming and stressful. Attorney professional liability insurance can help reduce this burden by providing an attorney protection from this type of claim. There are three different aspects of a lawsuit that professional liability insurance can help attorneys with. These include sharing the monetary risk by providing coverage for defense expenses as well as indemnity for claims filed against the attorney. The insurance company will also handle not only defending the claim, but responding to claims made against their policyholder. And lastly, the insurance provider will help protect the attorney’s existing clients from loss which can result during a claim.

Even attorneys can make mistakes and attorney professional liability insurance can help attorneys meet their professional responsibilities they have to their clients, even during a worst-case scenario.

Attorney professional liability insurance has been designed to provide protection for both attorneys and their clients if a claim of malpractice should ever occur. This coverage typically includes coverage for defense expenses as well as indemnification for the professional. However, there are other types of services which professional attorneys will receive under this type of policy.

Rather than finding themselves facing the huge costs of defense and the resulting stress of finding themselves sued for malpractice, attorney’s should consider the benefits of purchasing attorney professional liability insurance.

Linggo, Agosto 14, 2011

Why Legal Liability Insurance Is A Need And Not A Want

Running a business nowadays is not as easy as it used to be. This is because any business owner would need to be constantly wary of people who are predisposed to exploit even a small and negligent behavior in order to lodge a complaint and file a lawsuit against the company. Because of this, it would be most advisable for companies to avail of legal liability insurance, because given this disconcerting possibility, any company should be protected against any such lawsuits, not to mention the monetary damages that may arise from these unfortunate scenarios.

As companies go about the rigors of attending to their day to day tasks, it may be a possibility that their employees or customers would misinterpret their actions. This often happens even when these companies do not deliberately attempt to harm their employees, nor have intentions to make them feel aggrieved. Moreover, even when companies try to appease their employees, they may still think otherwise and once this happens, a legal battle becomes imminent and unavoidable. Because of this looming possibility, a legal liability insurance plan is an essential guarantee that financial protection is assured to the company, since more often than not, the latter may be required to shell out cash as payment for the damages that may result from the insinuated negligent conduct.

In general, this legal liability can come from various reasons. These include, among others, damage to property, personal injury to an employee or customer, and even death of an employee or customer due to negligent behavior of the company’s employee. Whenever a company signs up for this insurance type, there is an increased level of protection that is extended to the company directors, owner, and as well as all officers who represent the company in various capacities.

Moreover, there are different variations to the liability insurance products that are currently available. Relative to the needs of the company, it can opt to purchase general liability insurance, umbrella insurance, bodily injury insurance, garage liability insurance, or cargo legal liability insurance. Of course, the insurance policy choice will be contingent upon the risks that exist in that company’s line of business, as well as the business of the company in general. In the event of an actual lawsuit, this type of insurance policy would cover the damages that would be demanded by the claimant, as well as the usually exorbitant legal costs that a company may need to shell out for the attorney that will represent it in court.

In today’s uncertain world, it is essential for any company to acknowledge the need of having legal liability insurance. In addition, in determining the need to have one, company owners should consult with a licensed insurance specialist. Moreover, they also ought to consider revisiting their insurance policy on a periodic basis, because more often than not, the landscape for business and its needs are ever changing and dynamic.

Professional Liability Insurance Is The Cost Of Doing Business

Professional liability insurance, or professional indemnity, covers an individual against legal claims made against him or her as a result of professional activities. Different kinds of insurance for different professions may be called by a variety of names. Doctors are the most well known holders of this coverage in the form of malpractice insurance. Lawyers, notaries public, real estate brokers and appraisers, technology developers and engineers also frequently carry plans. In the case of legal fees including court costs and potential settlements, this insurance provides funds and often legal representation for clients.

The necessity for professional liability insurance increases in certain professions, anyone who interacts with the public or offers them a product runs the risk of being processed for anything from negligence to unfulfilled promises. In the United States, a precedent has been set for huge court settlements in favor of individuals seeking damages against professionals. Given this climate, any professional engaging in activities that involve risk of error are often well served by this kind of coverage.

Professional liability insurance offers coverage above and beyond that of general liability insurance. General plans come into effect in cases of personal injury, property or advertising damage. Many legal claims against businesses or professionals do not fall into these categories and therefore require a specialized kind of insurance. Examples include charges of negligence, inaccurate advice, or violation of good faith.

Most policies of this type are offered on a term basis meaning that an owner is only covered as long as he or she maintains the policy. Canceling the plan will preclude a former client from making any claims to the insurance company. Regardless, indemnity insurance is often considered to be an important part of doing business. In case of a legal dispute, taking precautions can end up being far cheaper than facing out of pocket court fees.

The increase in the number of freelancers in recent years has seen an increased interest in indemnity insurance for that field. Because they are not protected by any company or organizations, freelancers are vulnerable to claims made against them for mistakes, omissions, or oversights. An individual working alone is more likely to commit an occasional error. Professional liability insurance can be an important safeguard.

There are many kinds of plans that cover the spectrum of coverage and cost. Basic coverage individual plans can be as cheap a $100 to $200 per year while bulletproof professional coverage can cost thousands. Companies can offer high payouts for relatively small premiums because many clients will never receive a benefit. Any professional whose work with the public offers the risk of error will want to consider professional liability insurance. In today's litigious society, liability coverage is part of the cost of doing business.

Because Lawyers Need Protection Also

Right now, when most Americans are fast gaining exposure and insight on legal malpractice, many legal professionals stand to face lawsuits from their clients more than they did before. If you take a look at the existing statistics of these particular incidents, you would be surprised to find out that out of one hundred lawyers, four to five of them face a legal malpractice lawsuit in any given year. Naturally, this can be bad for law firms that employ more than 20 law professionals, since this roughly translates to at least one lawsuit in a year. Because of this disconcerting trend, and the enormous amount of discomfort that this may potentially bring, lawyers are now turning to legal malpractice insurance to couch the amount of grievance that they might experience in the event of this adverse circumstance.

The first question that a lawyer needs to ask about this insurance type is whether or not this coverage is similar to other insurance policies out there. In some respects, it may just be like other insurance plans, but the main difference between this insurance and a regular insurance is that the latter assures coverage in case an event, like an accident or sudden hospitalization, occurs while the legal malpractice insurance covers a lawyer for a lawsuit that is lodged against him for a specified policy period. This means that the insurance company may opt to disregard the case history of its client, except of course when it falls within the policy duration.

The next important question that a lawyer needs to know about this insurance type is the protection benefits that it can give him/her. This is an important consideration since a legal malpractice ordeal is obviously not a walk in the park, in fact, a law practitioner does not only stand to lose money in these legal battles, but he/she even loses valuable time. On average, the figure that can be billed per case ranges somewhere from 200 to 300 hours, this means that the insurance policy protects a law professional for every lawsuit that he/she has to face.

Cost is another concern when it comes to legal malpractice insurance, but for the most part, a policy’s cost is largely influenced by the level of risk that is involved in a lawyer’s profession. When the law professional, for example, is into real estate or banking, the insurance cost may be relatively higher compared to a regular coverage cost. However, even when this is the case for the most part, this type of insurance is still much sought for it covers certain important areas of legal operations.

It is for these reasons, and presumably a lot more, that a lawyer would need to avail of legal malpractice insurance. Sure, it may initially require a certain amount for one to benefit from this coverage, but the eventual protection and monetary assistance, for sure, outweigh this initial payment in the event of a lawsuit in the future.

The Nunc Pro Tunc Of Legal Malpractice Insurance Cost

All though not all states require it, carrying legal malpractice insurance is much like nunc pro tunc, making certain you are covered now for what happened then.  In the high risk business of practicing law it only takes one unhappy client to disrupt your life and your business even if you have done nothing amiss. Current statistics indicate that every attorney will be faced with defending at least one malpractice lawsuit during his or her career. Even if you are validated it will still cost legal fees and time to establish your lack of culpability. It makes sense to be fully protected at every turn of your carefully orchestrated career in law.

The field of law in which you practice is irrelevant, although certain areas of law such as real estate and securities do carry a higher risk of liability. In recent years it has become much more prudent to carry substantial amounts of legal malpractice insurance as lawsuits against attorneys are on the rise.  Most recommendations call for a minimum of $300,000 in coverage for legal fees associated with your defense, even if the claim proves to be without merit. The costs could well skyrocket far beyond that amount should you lose.

There are some precautions you can take along with obtaining your legal malpractice insurance to keep your costs low and maximize your personal protection efforts.  Always treat each document in your office files as though it might one day be scrutinized in a courtroom.  Complete access to every document in your office is permitted under Rules of Discovery in every state.  Behave as if a legal malpractice attorney is peering over your shoulder at all times and you will have made giant strides toward self protection. Keep everything, including emails which should be printed out and kept in your client’s file.

Document every moment of your work on any case in careful detail, keeping in mind that just like in Miranda “anything you say can be used against you” at some point in the future. Choose your words carefully and professionally, even your personal notes about clients. Legal malpractice insurance cost can be diminished by doing what your insurance carrier requires in the way of preventive actions such as these.

Remember that 20% of all malpractice claims involve missed deadlines, so be scrupulous about your calendar.  Record every deadline, every event, every meeting whether in your Day-Timer, palm pilot or the napkin under your martini at lunch.  Just don’t discard anything even if you think you will never need it.  Don’t forget that disgruntled clients are often the genesis of a malpractice complaint, so do your level best to be fair and keep your client happy. Return phone calls, emails and other correspondence promptly and professionally. Nunc pro tunc works in the courtroom but in real life we can’t go back in time and correct our unfortunate errors.

Don’t accept every client that asks for your help. If you have a sixth sense about someone and your inner voice is yelling at you to be cautious, pass on them.  Sometimes our best friend is that uneasy feeling we get about certain people warning us away. Do spend some time talking to a legal malpractice attorney and get her recommendations regarding wise strategies to guard your legal practice.  Ask your insurance carrier to suggest ways you might diminish legal malpractice insurance cost for your firm. Many of them offer discounts in exchange for certain protective checks and balances that are quite simple to implement but can save great heartache down the road. Enjoy your law practice but be wise as an owl about protecting it and maintain a long and lucrative career.

3 Tips To Save Money On Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance (often called errors & omission) is something that is imperative for any professional. Obviously many people would fall into this category, such as accountants, doctors, lawyers, home inspectors, architects, etc. No matter how diligent you are, it is always possible for a client to file a lawsuit against you, for even the smallest of oversights.

There is specific insurance for doctors and hospitals, known as medical insurance, and this is perhaps the most famous form of professional coverage. However, for the other professionals, general errors & omissions insurance should suffice. It functions exactly the same as medical, as it protects you against lawsuits filed against you or your company in regards to money you cost the customer.

Many professionals mistakenly believe that general liability is good enough. However, this only covers bodily injury and physical damages. The lawsuits most professionals deal with are financially related, and therefore general liability is insufficient. On the other hand, professional insurance covers lawsuits filed against you in regards to money. For instance, if you are a CPA and you make an oversight that ends up costing a customer lots of money in taxes, they will likely look to recover their losses from you.

One thing that discourages many professionals from getting errors & omissions coverage is the costs. However, there are definitely ways to save money. Here are three tips that work:

#1) Have good quality control practices

If you have not had many lawsuits filed against you in the past, you will pay a lower monthly professional liability insurance premium.

#2) Get a lower max coverage limit

The max limit is one of the main variables that determine your monthly premiums. The higher the limit, the more you will pay every month. Just think about the absolute top dollar amount you could be sued for, and find coverage that meets those needs. Going over that will cause a substantial rise in price.

#3) Check financial statements

Obviously many insurance firms today are on shaky financial ground. For this reason, reading their financial ratings and making sure you go with a company in good shape is critical. Otherwise, they might not be able to cover you when you file a claim. You can find all this information online, as there are organizations that actually go around and rate different insurance companies based on their long-term outlook. This might not seem that important, but if you want to see your claim money, it is.

In other words, professional liability insurance is very different then standard general liability. If you are a professional, it is just about mandatory to some extent. As long as you use these three tips, you will find the right coverage for you while saving money at the same time.

Courting Malpractice Carriers, A How-to Guide

A practicing attorney should never be without lawyer malpractice insurance. One successful suit brought by a disgruntled client could ruin a struggling law firm. Insurance against such a situation can cost as little as a few hundred dollars yet save the attorney several hundred thousands of dollars.

Small legal firms are far more likely to be sued for malpractice than their big-firm brethren are. These financially strapped companies are often short staffed, with less than optimal technology. They check facts less thoroughly, and rely on manual calendar checks and conflict of interest oversight. Mistakes happen more often, and malpractice accusations result. Baseless malpractice claims still cost legal firms considerable money. Lawyers still must be paid to fight these baseless claims. Malpractice insurance covers these attorney fees and other related expenses.

An attorney just hanging out his or her shingle should find the right malpractice insurance carrier before signing on the first legal client. If skeptical at all about the need, he or she should consider several factors about going without this vital coverage. He should consider if his new firm is experienced in minimizing liability exposure. She should determine if she could absorb the financial impact of a serious malpractice payout and still continue in business. If the answer to either is no, malpractice insurance is a must.

In choosing lawyer malpractice insurance carriers, an attorney should consider price. That should not be the only factor, however. Some higher-priced insurance carriers offer greater experience in fighting malpractice claims, coverage features others neglect, and higher win: loss ratios. Some offer financing options that spread premium payments throughout the year.

When selecting a malpractice carrier it is important to inquire about carrier availability. The lawyer seeking coverage should ask if someone is available by phone, e-mail or text 24/7. She or he should ask about the options for ceiling on the coverage. The number of experienced employees at the carrier firm is important, as well as any risk management training offered to the insured. It is also wise to verify that innocent partner cover and title agent services are part of the coverage.

Another handy option is the extension of reporting period should one or more of the attorneys in the covered practice that are disabled, die or retire. First Dollar Defense coverage, though not typically part of the standard package, could save a legal firm far more than the cost of adding it to the coverage. First Dollar Defense assures that the insured would not need to pay any out of pocket costs for defending against claims that result in no indemnity.

An attorney should first search for a lawyer malpractice insurance carrier with an excellent track record, the right plan with the right features, and the right ceiling on coverage. Once the list of prospective carriers is narrowed down, then fees should be compared. Going without this vital coverage could cost far more than the annual premium.